UN sounds alarm over safety of civilians in southern Syria

Source: Xinhua| 2018-07-19 02:14:24|Editor: yan
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UNITED NATIONS, July 18 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations is deeply concerned about the safety of civilians caught up in clashes in southern Syria, as military operations continue in the governorates of Daraa and Quneitra, said a UN spokesman on Wednesday.

Continued airstrikes and shelling on the town of Nawa, in western Daraa governorate reportedly resulted in further death and injury, in addition to rendering the only field hospital in the town inoperable, said Farhan Haq, the spokesman.

The United Nations continues to call on all parties to ensure the protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure, in line with obligations under international humanitarian law. The United Nations also calls for safe, sustained and unimpeded access to all those in need through the most direct routes, he said.

The Syrian Arab Red Crescent has delivered UN humanitarian assistance for nearly 10,000 people in six areas in parts of eastern Daraa governorate that have recently come under the control of the Syrian government, said Haq.